Before I start, I realize how horrible that phrase is (by that phrase, I mean "in a nutshell"), but what else am I gonna say: "This week in summary", "Weekly Synopsis." No those just sound snobby. So I'm going with "in a nutshell" and you can deal with it. On the weird side, if I was in french with you in grade 12 then you'll probably think I'm horrible for using it but, oh well.
Where did I leave off, Monday? Well then, Tuesday was a long day. Maybe not long but I definitely did a lot. The morning started off pretty boring, the way all mornings do. Then mom texted me and asked if I wanted to go with her and dad to buy the new stove we'd been looking at (the oven in the old one kind of died, but we'd had it for 16 years so it's probably about time we got one). So that was fun, and because I went we all got lunch together so that was nice. That afternoon I had a thing for work, which isn't as bad as it sounds. Our store's managers (which includes me) volunteers at the Ronald McDonald House and makes dinner for the night. That's what we did. We made pizzas and Caesar salad and brownies for dessert and, believe it or not, there was nothing left. It was really nice, kind of bonding and team building together. After we were done at RMH, the group of us went out for supper. Which again was great for bonding, I think it really helped me because I'm still new to the management team so it gave me a chance to feel more included.
On Wednesday, I went to yet another course for work. I guess lots of other places have to do it too because it's through the Health Unit. It was a food handlers course so it's all like hand-washing procedures and what temperatures things should be kept at, and how to prevent like bacteria or pests. It was really the most boring thing I've ever done but I had to do it and now it's over with. Plus, if I did it well enough I won't have to do it again for 5 years. So that'll be good. The rest of Wednesday was pretty much just hang out and enjoy the day.
Thursday was my first day back at work after the weekend. So it was I guess pretty routine. I mean how interesting could it be. Pretty much the same deal on Friday. But I worked in the morning on Friday then after work I went to my parents to be there when the stove arrived, because someone over 18 had to be there, turns out I didn't really need to because they were there when I got there so dad was there to sign for it. Which would bring us to today. Saturday. I worked again (you're going to get used to hearing this, I've been working a lot. Well maybe not a lot but on many days, even though the hours don't seem to be adding up to what I had hoped). That's really it. Now I'm here typing this wondering what the hell to have for supper. Maybe I'll just skip supper and have the grapes mom bought me yesterday. Unless I can talk my parents into dropping off leftovers from their anniversary dinner tonight, but I don't think that'll happen. It'll just have to be a simple thing I guess, probably pasta, unless I feel like microwaving that chicken pot pie I have in the fridge. I hope your week has been more exciting than mine :)
Caio for now
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